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[IC] Flash News

The new Grand Minister of the Mondtburg Parliment, Rilend von Mondtburg has asked the Archbishop to step down from his office and let him ascend to the throne as Archduke of Mondtburg. The Archbishop refused to voluntarily step down, so Rilend has taken the issue of establishing an Archduchy to Parliment.

First Councillor Valerio and Second Councillor Sciarra will return to Sartoria this morning, finishing early their visit to Noveaux due to the evolving situation in Regù.

Kaizig Evander I Atlas of Noveaux held a very brief press conference in which he stated that the Novean people would stand with their Sartorian counterparts in the face of this "vile and tragic act". Commentators were surprised with the young Kaizig's calm and compassionate demeanor. Any assistance that the Sartorian people required was also offered by the young Kaizig in his press conference. He also stated the Silver Light Ball would begin tomorrow as planned.

Mondtburg Parliment passed a new legislation deposing Archbishop Maximilian III, restoring the Mondtburgish Monarchy. Rilend von Mondtburg ascended the throne as Archduke Rilend II, being coronated the same day in Mondtburg's Cathedral.

The Union Legislation has activated the Speakers on the Kumari-Fornoire border wall as today marks its completion and in response to the raised troops has ignored it's original purpose and begun targeting Military personal encouraging them to defect with promises of celebrity status.

Councillor Marelli has expressed concern over the actions of The Union near the border with Fornoire, calling them "concerning and not conductive towards meaningful relations between the two neighbours".

The Novean Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the "inappropriate and inflammatory" actions by The Union in regards to the actions taken along the border with Fornoire. The Foreign Ministry also called the actions "nonconstructive to lasting peace in the region" stating that Noveaux believed that to heal old wounds, the current saber rattling would need to cease.

Archduke Rilend has taken more steps to transform Mondtburg into a modern Constitutional Monarchy by dissolving the Bishops' Council and replacing the Bishops with regional Counts as governors of Mondtburg's 4 provinces.

Fornoire has moved artillery across the border. At the border, this message was given:

"Cease these loudspeakers in 72 hours, or we will fire"

Mondtburg's Foreign Minister condemned Fornoire's threat of war with the Union, saying even though Kumari's actions are despicable the problem can be resolved with diplomacy and without bloodshed

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