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[IC] Flash News

(Not sure if Flash News is really supposed to allow having nations reply to the flash news of others like this, so I will continue to ignore the conflict happening elsewhere. Aethelia is not particularly interested in war stuff anyway.)

Having learned of the concept of "locks" from another nation, they are gaining widespread use across Aethelia, replacing the previous practice of setting elaborate non-lethal Home Alone-style traps, due to being quicker to setup. To accompany this, Aethelia is also planning to start using "keys" in a year or ten.

The Representatives for the Union on the 28th of February have tendered their resignation and are currently unable to be reached for comments why, however the Union's new representative has stated "The Union told these men not to release such hateful comments, and in doing so have been terminated. (long pause) As representatives."

The Communist Party of Soluske holds its 40th Meeting in Fornoire, and asks fellow communists to join them in their talks. It is unknown what will be talked about, although it is certain the topic of Yutan will be the main topic.

Communist parties and movements in Fornoire have requested to be observers of the 40th Meeting.

William Locke has has accepted this request, and stated the meeting will officially begin on March 4.

Reports are emerging that an earthquake measuring 9.1 on the International Standard Scale has been detected in western Noveaux. Depth is currently unknown as is the extent of damage. Evacuations are underway along the shores of Lake Velaan as a Tsunami Warning has been issued by the State Emergency Network. Below is eyewitness video following the quake as the tsunami alert went out.


The Union has requested a report from the Fornoire Government on the subject matter during the communist party meeting on March 2 and is pleased with Fornoire being more accepting to the Communist party.

A release from the Royal Geophysical Institute of Sartoria has confirmed the 9.1 earthquake reported in Noveaux and warns of strong waves in Lake Velaan.

Fornoire has stated that it welcomes any ideolgy and any group. "It is normal for the CPS to conduct its 40th Party Meeting in Fornoire. After all, under our democratic system, everyone, regardless of ideology, has the guaranteed freedom of speech"

Initial Reports had the wave at a height of four meters but it has been projected to stand at eight to twelve meters upon arriving at the eastern most shore. This estimate has taken to account the shallow depth of the eastern portion of the lake along with the natural funneling formation the coast makes. Sirens have been sounding from the moment the quake ended.

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