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[IC] Flash News

Senator Salucci proposed today that Foreign Councillor Marelli be sent to discuss with Kumari ways to fight fascism without resorting to internment camps.

In response to the continued internment in the RCSK, the Drewish Empire has introduced a wide range of sanctions on the nation. All travel to the RCSK had been banned. However, due to their differences in ideology, the Empire didn't trade much with the RCSK to begin with, so these sanctions will have minimal effect.

On behalf of the five plus two bloc known as the Prosperity Alliance, Noveaux has announced sanctions will be placed upon RCSK until such a time as the interment camps end. These sanctions are aimed at the Financial Sector and Energy Sectors. Any RCSK assets in these five plus two Prosperity nations will be frozen until further notice. Energy imports will also be decreased until halted.

The KASA Act (Kumarian Actions Sanctions Act) has been passed with more than the 60% needed to place sanctions, with ~63% of the Parliament (or 2,545 vs. 1,493, with 2 abstentions) voting for. The new sanctions target Kumarian finances in the country, as well as a wide range of financial sectors, like energy, mining, fishing, or agriculture.

A body has been found in the Piazza Pietro Guidale in Regù, Tavoletro. Officers of the Corpo di Fenistreri are investigating.

In an act of agreement with the Drewish Empire, The Righteous Empire has cut off what little acts of trade they had with the RSCK.

The Qastari Ministry of the Interior has, in light of controversy over RCSK fascist internment camps, requested that officers be allowed to be stationed at the camps as independent observers. They have stated that an emotional response to the issue should be avoided, and that Qastari would like to see proof of human rights abuses before reacting.

Communists have protested in Catherine over KASA, even trying to target the Fornirian Fascist Party's HQ, the Tnarist Center in Catherine, and the Fornirian Parliament. Riot police have fired tear gas to protect these places, especially Parliament.

Sir Arthur Wellman has left for the Sol Federation for the first NA summit tomorrow.

A mob of communists has lynched a Tnarist missionary of Drewish origin almost to death, prompting armed response from riot police, who fired live rounds at the mob. The missionary was rescued, and his status is critical at the Catherine Prima Royal Hospital. 3 other communists are also recovering after being shot by security forces.

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