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[IC] Flash News

Fascist forces have been defeated in Catherine, surrendering after being cornered and besieged by Fornirian forces. They will all face trial for high treason, which is the only crime where the death penalty can be imposed.

The Drewish Empire has offered to give $32 million standards to have the fascist rebels safely delivered to the Empire.

The premier of Qastari, baffled by several of Wellman's claims, has nonetheless in preferring him over Burish sent him congratulations on his victory.

In a press conference in Alghana Al'ard, Foreign Councillor Marelli said that "Grand Imperator Wellman has an opportunity to lead his nation on the path towards democracy, openness and freedom" but warned that a stregthening of the Nationalist Alliance would be counter to that goal.

Fornoire has rejected the offer, saying that "they live in a beacon of democracy and freedom, being able to express your views, and they do this to our capital and government?! No. Unlike your nations, we gave them a chance, and they blew it. Unlike you, it is up for the Judicial branch of our nation to sentence them or not to death independently. We will fight in the courts, if necessary"

The Catherine Metropolitan Court of Justice has sentenced 2 fascists to death, and 5 to life. More trials will follow.

Death of High Chancellor Deveraux sparks a leadership contest in the ruling NL-UG-GO coalition. Election on the second now seem uncertain to retain the ruling government. Conservative Party now eyes potential to become largest party.

The CMCJ has sentenced a further 12 fascists to death, and 43 to life. 2,220 fascists are currently either awaiting trial, veridict, or sentencing, whilst the CMCJ has declared no cause for trial of 30 fascists due to their marginal involvement in the coup. Instead, these 30 will be tried for attempting murder, possession of illegal firearms, among other charges, instead of high treason.

Foreign Councillor Marelli has supported the conviction of fascists in Fornoire in relation to the attempted coup days before, explaining that the Sartorian Government has found no cause for concern in the conduction of the trials.

An Alssahran diplomat has been attacking Fornoire for not respecting fairness in the conviction of those that partook in the coup.

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