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Trade Agreement between Xialta and Qastari


The Council of Foreign Relations and Trade (C.F.R.T.), with order from the Queen of Xialta, Constantina Vasileiou Yakushkina, sends a diplomat to Drako, the capital of Qastari, to discuss trade. The diplomat announces to the Qastarian officials that Xialta is ready to trade her colossal quantities of lead and iron for Qastarian oil and natural gases. The trade route will be coastal, with over 200 convoys that include designated-for-minerals cargo ships and oil tankers. Both nations are allowed to freely increase or decrease the amount of convoys in the route, as long as the amount of convoys does not fall below 200. In this trade agreement, a convoy is a defined as a group of 6 cargo ships OR 6 oil tankers, escorted by two small corvettes (OOC: The ships, not the cars, ugh), for protection against pirates. The diplomat deploys his paperwork, which states the rules and conditions of the trade agreement and points to where the Qastarian leader/head ministry has to put their signature, right next to Queen Constantina's signature.


The Xialtan diplomat is escorted to the office of the General Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Trade. This is just along the lines of the kind of deal the government had been looking for, and it looks like their strategy of investing into fossil fuels may go just as planned.

The GS agrees that a coastal route will be the best option, his only regret being that it's a shame our borders aren't just a little bit closer. However with your proposed safety measures we shouldn't have too many problems regardless.

Qastari agrees, and notes that the CFRT will deal directly with the Qastari Ministry of Foreign Trade. "Hoping it's what you had in mind we would like to suggest trading these resources directly for eachother in proportion to their value rather than our currencies, and leave space to renegotiate this deal down the line as your resources will certainly give us the ability to further expand our oil and gas infrastructure."


The C.F.R.T. approves of the suggestion of the Qastari Ministry of Foreign Trade and looks forward to the trade route opening soon. All that is left is the signature.


"Very good then", the GS says as he signs the trade agreemend. "Please enjoy the rest of your stay in our capital, if you wish. We hope this is just the beginning of continued friendship and cooperation between ours and all socialist countries."


"Excellent!" says the diplomat, as he shakes the hand of the GS. "Unfortunately, duty calls me back in Xialta, but we are definately looking forward into future agreements." The trade route is open and the vessels of the first Xialtan convoy will reach Qastarian shores in half a day, carrying large quantities of lead and iron.

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