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[OOC]Flash News

Just to point out that Z-Day is not part of canon. Though our RP elements are set in Selene, it does not take place within the "prime" universe.

Exclamation Oh. I didn't really know where else to put the news. I'll make changes.

(10-27-2016, 11:38 PM)Righteous Powers Wrote: Exclamation Oh. I didn't really know where else to put the news. I'll make changes.

You can post them in the Halls of Hades.

Ok I'll move it


Constantine Lambros here, pointing out that Noveaux's latest post, as well as this one by RCSK go over the accpetable limit for flash news. Please keep it to 3 lines or less on a desktop, thanks!

El-Ghazzawy is aggressive as fuck. The latest announcement is unrelated to the Drewish announcement, sorry.

The Prosperity Alliance sanctions levied against RCSK are to be disregarded as never having happened.

Thank you.


Ok guys, this is kind of bothering me, but I guess I haven't said that much about it, so it is kind of my fault.
Travel out of, and into, the Sol Federation is BANNED.
Meaning that, saying "travel to the Sol Federation" is banned in ____ is meaningless and worthless. The only outsiders in the Sol Federation are diplomats meant to visit for relations, and people who Yutan decide to allow in.
And people who are allowed out of the country are traitors (communists, liberals, etc.) being transported to other countries (such as Fornoire).
Also the Sol Federation does not take back Solteks in other nations. The number of Solteks in other nations are very low anyways, with Fornoire having the second biggest Soltek community. (I haven't had an exact estimate on how many are in Fornoire though, I'll come up with one later.)
But yeah that's it. Don't worry about it if you didn't know, I never really talked about it all that often, only once or twice.

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