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[IC] Flash News

Sempiere's citizens are outraged about the recent discoveries of "cures" for homosexuality. Government officials were contemplating the release of this news to the public. Gay rights activists are protesting in the capital city, Coloni City. "We need a spark....We need a revolution." states a citizen. What is heading for Sempiere?

Fornoire's new Prime Minister, TH Venuse Petage from the Social Democrats, has laughed at Yutan's comments, responding "Not a dictator? Tell that to his purges and mass killings. He is the real fool here. He is no leader of a revolution. He is simply a madman, and will always be such"

'To each his own, it is not up to us to decide how another nation chooses to govern themselves' Karknar has said in response to the attacks on Yutan 'I may be considered a dictator but my people are happy and proud to be part of Karkara, and Yutan is doing his best to govern his country as well'.

"Exactly," said Yutan. "I'm defending my nation from inside forces destroying it, such as liberals and communists. My people are proud to serve and obey me, and they support nearly every action I do. Democracies have riots and protests against their failure of a government."

With the withdrawal of Sach'aqa from the Nahr and the continuing advance of Alssahran forces, an Alssahran fleet split off from the main group and was seen departing Alghana Al'ard very recently.

First Councillor Valerio has praised the cooperation with Alssahra, Noveaux and Fornoire as a key factor in the defeat of Sach'aqa and has called for greater cooperation among all four countries.

Fornoire has told Sach'aqa to surrender, or Fornoire will invade Sach'aqan sovereign territory.

Oscad calls all troops and citizens to Qal to defend the capital, the First Managers have taken control in this time of crisis to effectively manage the country.

*as the national anthem fades a reporter announces local news on a radio*
The aw-powerful Ministry of Defense has just announced that they have sent troops to the island of Oscad in an effort to defend and spread the glory of communism. *LONG STATIC PAUSE* In other news the Ministry of Finances and the Ministry of Order has reported that all black market operations have been shut down by the government in order to shut down all drug operations known for "basket weaving" the process name was a secret until an there was an anonymous tip from a foreign delegate. In Conclusion, Glory to the Republic and all Power to the Leader.

The Fornirian Government is planning to distribute Soltek refugees across the land. 5,000 would be residents of a new industrial planned town, close to the capital, which will be named Soriville (named after Sorism), and the other ~45,000 will be promised jobs in towns and cities in Fornoire that might need migrants.

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