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The man and the empress


Griffin had never met him first.
In fact you'd never met the Living member of any royal family. In all of his 24 years of life the newly-appointed CEO of the nation and chairman of the National Council I rarely ever left his home country. He was the only child of his father who had turned they're small little monarchy into a burgeoning Empire with the greatest economy in the region. But that same isolationism that had brought his father such success risk undoing all the good that had been done. Without foreign markets to trade in their economy would grind to a halt. It was from this position of desperation that this man had gone against everything is father had stood for to end the policy of isolationism period.
Now he was on his way to his first official meeting with a foreign dignitary in his life. He was so ill prepared for this. His father had died suddenly in an "accident" and the board quickly had installed him as the new head of state.
But there was little time to focus on that. He had to be the leader for his people and the defender of his father's Legacy. With this final thought he looked out the window of his luxury helicopter that was transporting him to his meeting with this foreign dignitary.
He knew very little about the empress and their isolationism prevented them from having much information on her butt he was certain to make a good impression


Palais du Chevalier Blanc, Noveaux
16th of Octide

The Empress Satine was rather interested to see what would come of the visit from the newly appointed CEO of Nonfreesonia, Griffin Venza. Their recent emergence from isolation presented some unique opportunities for other nations throughout the world. Satine had chosen to take the meeting at the main Palace in the capital city of Auvon. The choice to take it in the capital rather than in one of her estates was an interesting choice, though it fit with how she was already present here and didn’t need to make a journey to the capital. Her health was failing though at its current point it was virtually impossible for an outsider to know that, especially considering only three people at current knew other than the Empress herself. Only the day prior to the meeting she had announced to the nation and thus subsequently the world that she intended to step down as the Sovereign of Noveaux and as Queen of Auvatoria. A great amount of shock was still setting in for the nation, the elites and those who would be the strongest contenders when the Eliate met to choose a successor to the Empress. Auvatoria however would pass to her eldest son Maxus Remanti through normal succession and that much was comforting for most people in the Realm that a familiar face would rule. Noveaux itself however was far from certain who would be elected the next Sovereign. Prince Maxus had already stated he preferred to not take up that mantle and follow his mother stating his ambition was limited to Auvatoria and that he wouldn’t serve the nation as well as he could. 

This meant eyes were turned to the Empress’ grandson Prince Cassander. Eyes were also turned to the young King of Calpheon and the Queen of Mitan as solid choices who while rather young would reign long upon the gilded throne. The young CEO of du Veer International, the largest corporation in Noveaux was another choice that was being heavily floated by the Eliate. Naturally while they were all young and inexperienced they were seen as safe choices for the future of the nation, those who would embrace the culture of the nation, the people and take them into the future in stride, people who weren’t tied down by old ways or set in their own ways. Those able to adapt and change, choosing someone young also meant that capable advisors had to be chosen along with a Chancellor to head the Imperistarium’s chamber. The last of the major figures to be in the running was an Arch-Cleric from Calpheon, Sovia Malmere. She was late middle aged and quite set in the Clergy. Her choice among the Eliate was an interesting one, traditionally Clerics while eligible were passed over as they would customarily turn down the post of Sovereign. However Arch-Cleric Malmere had been an outspoken voice of change and that the nation needed a strong leader to face the coming storms of the world, and this had garnered her great attention and support among the Highland Realms. 

The itinerary for the day was simple. Chairman Venza would arrive by plane to Aurel International Airport which sat on manmade islands just outside the main harbor of a few kilometers north of Auvon. Strict environmental regulations meant that airplanes weren’t allowed in the capital. There really weren’t many airports in Noveaux anyways as most people traveled by the high speed rail that ran throughout the country or by the well-kept highways. The Chairman would be met at the airport by the Foreign Minister of Noveaux, Addara Sivari. From there with her as the primary escort they would proceed by high speed rail to Auvon and then finally by motorcade to the Palais du Chevalier Blanc at the heart of the city. They were to discuss a broad range of topics detailing their emergence from isolation and what kind of relationship Noveaux would like to have with Nofreesonia. Waiting on the steps for their arrival the Empress wore an elegant but simple white skirt suit with matching heels. Flanking her on the right was Sebastien du Veer of du Veer International. In addition to the Chancellor there was also Chiarra Gale, the Minister of the Treasury. All waited upon the Chairman’s arrival with interest and anticipation. 


Exactly on time the motorcade rolled in. Griffin took in a deep breath looking over to his Aid Gabriel Amari. The man looked over to see you one last time to make sure everything was in place before nodding.

Griffin exited the his car heading directly towards the monarch. His father always said that he knew how a negotiation was going to end up within the first 5 minutes of it's starting. His father certainly was not a man whose advice you should doubt.
Griffin was wearing a black business suit. It was well tailored and obviously was quite expensive but there was nothing noteworthy about it except for the small pin located in his lapel in the shape of the Nationals crest of his Nation
He offered his host of warm and inviting smile and extended his hand fully out word to the empress " your majesty, its an honor to be here" he finally said


Palais du Chevalier Blanc, Noveaux
16th of Octide

The Empress smiled as the Chairman greeted her. “I assure you the pleasure is ours.” She said before extending her hand to shake his. She then turned her attention to those who were with her on the steps of the Palace. “This is Sebastien du Veer of du Veer International. One of our youngest billionaires.” She said with a smile showing pride that Noveaux was home to someone of his caliber. Sebastien then shook the Chairman’s hand as well before resuming his place. “And this is the Minister of the Treasury, Chiarra Gale.” She said motioning to the other woman on the steps. Upon the final introductions the Empress led the small group of Novean and Nofreesonian delegations through the Palace into a beautiful terraced garden that was on the fourth story. Aspen trees along with plenty of flowers, all of which were white, were spread around with some fountains as well. A table had been placed at the center of the garden and had some chairs for the people. The view was out over the western portion of the city, what was colloquially referred to as the ’Old City’ that had lots of renaissance, medieval and classical architecture that had been restored through the years as well as a view of the ocean.

“Welcome to Auvon.” Empress Satine said with a smile and motioning for those accompanying her and the Chairman to sit. Nofreesonia’s emergence from isolation presents both our countries with a unique opportunity to learn from one another and grow.” She added taking her seat and pouring herself a glass of lemon water. A pitcher kept ice cold and several glasses were on a small tray placed at the center of the table.

The Foreign Minister then spoke up, “What kind of things would you like to be discuss first?” She inquired directing the question to the Chairman of Nonfreesonia. The Novean delegation was going to discuss opening of normal relations with the formerly isolationist corporatist state. Though there were stipulations to further development in the relations between the two states, namely that the corporate government was detailing the religious freedoms well the lack there of. While Noveaux had a state faith it allowed for a wide degree of choice and expression. Ensuring such freedoms for citizens of other countries was a cornerstone of Novean foreign policy. 


Griffin tried his best to hide his bewilderment and amazement at the vista and view of the city. Extrithica was nothing like this. What had once been the ancient Hub of the city had been demolished through a combination of the destruction of the Civil War that had led to the rise of the corporate government as well as Redevelopment plans that had turned the small ancient buildings into massive apartment complexes and skyscrapers that stretched a thousand feet into the air.

He remembered his only real experience with this Lush natural beauty that he found here in the garden. His father had brought him over to a personal meeting with the second-highest individual in the country the grand executive of the Imperial Bank. He remembered his father complaining that he wish you didn't have to see this as his father described monarchist scumbag. Imperial Bank was all that remained of the Royal Family. But it was also the hardest to get rid of period it had a monopoly on banking in the country and thus was a huge necessity for both the rebuilding loans as well as the General Financial well-being of the empire. But regardless of the position this man held inside his personal apartment which was atop one of the largest skyscrapers in the capital there was a garden. While his father and the Lord executive talked policy and economics and politics Griffin had run off into this garden and climbed up into a tree. It was almost natural like he was supposed to do it. Unfortunately the branch failed to support his six-year-old self and he was soon getting an early lesson in physics as he landed hard against a small rocky path in the garden. The tears and cries of the young boy immediately brought his father to him.
" daddy i fell from the trees!" Griffin had cried.
Is pop father let out a sigh  " son your ancestors got here by climbing down from trees not up them. We can't waste our time climbing trees like when we were monkeys. We can only ever look forward son. The past must remain the past now lets get you cleaned up...."

The happy reminiscing of trees and his father's first lesson about Darwinism was abruptly interrupted by the welcoming words of the empress.

He rapidly took his seat adjusting his Bow-Tie slightly before looking to the foreign minister

He chuckled slightly. He remembered what his mother had taught him " the business of business should always be buiness"

With these words of wisdom ringing in his ear the Intrepid young CEO kind of burst of confidence. Well he didn't have his father's Charisma or standing presence that allowed him to come in the room he did have his father's and mother's intelligence
" ms. Minister I believe the first issue we should discuss today is the one that has the most likelihood of benefiting both of us. Trade and investment. I think we should leave this table today with a framework to work out a trade and investment partnership that would allow our corporations to invest in each other's Nations and the free movement of goods and people" he said adding some Flair with his hands as they waved around as he talked


Palais du Chevalier Blanc, Noveaux
16th of Octide
         The Empress cut in and smiled, “Trade and Investment would be most beneficial for both our nations though Noveaux’s foreign policy prohibits us from commencing trade relations with nations that don’t offer freedom of religion to their people.” She said singling out the atheist policies of the Nonfreesonian regime currently. It was something that signaled a serious issue between the two that would need to be overcome in order to proceed to anything of significance not only here at this meeting between states but also in the sense of the future between the two nations. Any agreements would need to be passed through the Imperistarium and they were adamantly behind the law currently in place and would have no problem securing the votes to strike down anything that hindered or sidelined the law.

          “Noveaux has a large exportation sector of agricultural products and while some consumer products would be best purchased from Nonfreesonia, Noveaux believes in an open and free market. As such your companies will be able to compete for contracts and goods throughout Noveaux just like all the others.” Minister Gale said with a smile. This process of opening the market to new competition could sometimes be held up for years though while they cut through the red tape of the rules and regulations that guard the economy of Noveaux. Now was really no difference though Minister Gale preferred to handle said red tape at a later time. For now the Noveans were simply curious of how to deal directly with the religious issue at hand. It was one that had been hammered home to the Noveans by the Grand-Divine, the leader of Noveaux’s faith. She was concerned that the Nonfreesonian government was being exceptionally harsh and was forcing atheism down its citizen’s throats, something that Noveaux politically couldn’t be standing next to or by for that matter. 


Griffin nodded. He hadn't expected the domestic affairs of his Nation to be an issue. Of course I have all the domestic policies the least of which he expected to cause issues was the national government's policy of atheism. Of course he was prepared to defend it as he was a firm believer that a government not recognizing any religion was the truest form of secularism

" Your highness" he began " I do hope you forgive my accusation but don't you find the criticism of how we handle religion to be a tad bit....hypocritical? You're own government provides financial and political support to a religion. Yes you claim to have freedom of religion but you have an official state faithe. You declare national holidays on the days of religious celebration. In my country we believe in complete secularism. People are allowed to have their faith but their faith ends at their doorstep. Religious institutions are treated like any other Corporation. If a man wishes to spread his face he is not allowed to do it with Billboards or advertisements. He must do it personally by convincing an individual. Whill you are right there are regulations involving the open expression of religious views we do not interfere with the personal lives of those who hold them. Our society is one what is a rigid meritocracy. We are free of racism. Sexism. And we do not discriminate based on ideology. If you want to rise up in our society you simply have to be the best. Furthermore you have to understand our history. Religion was used as a tool by the monarchy to control the population. Infighting between religious minorities almost destroyed our country. We're not atheists because the government forces it on to our citizens. Where atheist because the citizens demanded it of the government" he replied finishing his justification of his nation's policies. He wished his father was here. His father was far more charismatic. If they dug deeper into there a National Domestic policies there might be more issues. His father could have skirted the issue with his words but he was not his father. All he had was his father's intelligence hopefully that would be enough. 

" as for trade... what will actually be imported and exported we can leave to the consumers. The free market will decide where it is most profitable for goods and services to be created and purchased"

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