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[IC] Flash News

Fornoire has imposed high tariffs on Soltek manufactured products, in order to protect it's local industries

Tens of thousands of Seikyo nationalists have attended mass protests in Seikyo city. Refusing to move for 3 days, they have paralyzed traffic.

Alssahran businesses have expressed interest in investment in the Sol Federation after the war is over.

Courtesy: Tapatalk

The King has been rescued from the Northern Fornirian Mafia, after Fornirian Crown Forces seized a mafia stronghold.

A communist hideout was destroyed by the army. Yutan ordered the attack, stating that he will crush any opposition to his rule. It is believed as much as 256 communists were killed in the hideout.

The Drewish government has significantly increased funding to the development of electromagnetic railguns, stating that they "will revolutionize our nation's ability to conduct naval warfare and establish dominance in our region."

Nation prepares for the Golden Leaf Ball, Harvest Festival and the Empress' Birthday celebrations.

Salafist jihadism has been banned as a terrorist ideology. This lead to 50 Riot Police to tear-gas and arrest 12 jihadist muslims in Catherine protesting against democracy. Parts of the tiny muslim and mainstream christian communities in Fornoire have praised the government's ban.

The government has confirmed rumors that King Willihiam is hospitalized, after being famished by the mafia.

Edward Yutan decides to allow human experimentation for Soltek scientists. Other scientific communities shun this act.

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