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The Failed Coup d'etat


This morning in the Sol Federation, several members in the government attempted to replace the government in a coup. The plan was to replace the dictatorship to a democracy. The amount of men involved is unknown. They intended to assassinate Edward Yutan, invade the federal building, and take over the government. Unfortunately, they failed to assassinate Yutan, and the plan to invade the federal building failed miserably. Currently there are 50 people arrested for suspicion of being involved with the coup. Edward Yutan is in extreme anger, saying that he will execute all involved in the coup.
OOC: You may have your leaders respond to this news.


Fornoire has expressed it's neutrality towards the coup. However, a Fornirian rally in support of the coup is underway in Catherine.


Edward Yutan has ordered over 500 arrests for those in suspicion of being involved with the coup. There have been 50 people executed so far. Edward Yutan has announced he will reform the government. "I can't believe this heinous act of treachery," he said. "I've improved this nation since I've gotten the Sorists out of this nation. And all of this for democracy? Hmph. Typical."


In theory, Leader JEM of Aethelia would like to support a democracy over a dictatorship, but would prefer to support a real revolution by the people. Should the common people become involved in this coup, they will have Aethelia's support. Not so much a handful of well-off government officials. Therefore, Aethelia remains neutral, for now.


The #1 Manager of International affairs, back from Sach'aqa has expressed the thoughts of Oscad in a message sent to Yutan as well as the other countries that have interfered so far, it is also on social media. 'Oscad believes that other countries should not interfere with the Sol Federations politics, much less encourage rebellion among the populace. However we do not support the oppression that Edward holds over his people and would like to see a freer political system put in place' Oscad has remained neutral in the matter, but as usual would prefer the Sol Federation to loosen up.

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Fornoire has offered the Sol Federation to send the arrested coup plotters as political refugees, along with a $10 million to seal the deal. There is an option to make them never leave Fornoire as long as Yutan reigns over the Sol Federation.


First Councillor El-Ghazzawy has remarked in passing that the Sol Federation was "in need of some new leadership anyways."


Edward Yutan, eager at this proposal, has accepted Fonoire's deal. He will take the $10 million dollars and send coup plotters to Fornoire. He has asked that the coup plotters never leave Fonoire. While the numbers of Solteks involved in this coup is unknown, it will make Fornoire the second largest Soltek community, holding the Sorists and the coup plotters. Yutan will, however, keep the leader of the coup in his country, where he will be executed for treason.


Fornoire has agreed to the deal. Fornirian authorities are waiting the refugees at Catherine, Fornoire's capital and a major port, with their families, if possible. If not, Fornoire is offering an additional $15 million to let their families leave.


Yutan has rejected the $15 million and said he will execute all of their families for "involvement and knowing" of the coup. He says that he will show no mercy. But he has sent the refugees to Fonoire by boat, which should arrive at Catherine soon. Meanwhile the coup leader has been tortured and beaten to death by Yutan's orders. Thanks to the torture, now Yutan has a good estimate of those involved in the coup, which is about 600 men. Currently he has only 500 of those men, and they're all being sent to Fornoire.

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