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[IC] Flash News

Manager #1 of the International Wing has stated that Oscad will not attend the meeting of a capitalist dictatorship, especially with Karknar still a thorn in it's side.

Fornoire has described the meeting in New Stelle as a "pure, senseless joke" and a "trap for all free nations". "The Sol Federation is a fascist dictatorship. It cannot be trusted" said Prince Yousef, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Edward Yutan was offended by such words from Fonoire, saying that he wished to talk about global issues. "But obviously you can't see, since you misspelled the name of the grand capital of the Sol Federation," said Yutan.

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Police have told Soviet protesters to leave the front of Our Most Glorious Christ Cathedral of the Fornirian Catholic Church in central Catherine, after church officials told Fornirian police that they felt harassed, since the protest is anti-religion. Police have threatened to arrest the protesters if they do not comply.

Sach'aqan gunboats have raided Bawwaba Medina and have pushed the border further down the Nahr.

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Fornoire has announced a complete ban on Sach'aqan products and doing business in the Hegemony is forbidden. All Sach'aqan and Fornirian companies have a 2-week grace period to get out of Fornoire and Sach'aqa respectively or face heavy fines.

With the war time border now extending to the outskirts of Bawwaba Medina, the Alssahran Empire appears to be on the brink of defeat.

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Sach'aqan battleships are reported to have been tear gassing Bawwaba Medina in the ground fight.

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Oscadan officials leave Sach'aqa after the war did not stop.

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The Sol Federation has sat back on the war raging on, awaiting the results.

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