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Poll: Which Side do you Choose
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Fight for Selene and it's Allies
3 50.00%
Fight for the Icy Black Sun Confederate
0 0%
Stay Neutral
3 50.00%
Total 6 vote(s) 100%
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Rise of the Icy Black Sun Confederate


The Icy Black Sun Confederate have been planning to destroy all nations in Selene in hope for being a Dominate Power.

They have already killed two Greek Bishops and One Soltek traveller.

They are now planning to attack Selene itself in hopes of destroying the superpower and taking over the rest.

The Greeks have offered to destroy the group but they need your help to attack them.

However not every nation wants to side with Selene and so the Icy Black Sun Confederate will accept any hope of arms against Selene.

WHICH SIDE DO YOU CHOOSE.................................


Sylon will assist the Greeks in destroying the IBSC.

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The Greeks have mobilised the Bombers to attack the Northern Arctic of the Selene but for some reason all traces of the forces

Meanwhile the IBSC were creating a new weapon that has not been used since the ancient times of Selene

They also sent a force of destroyer fleets to attack the cities of Klegg and Likos

The IBSC also broadcasted a video on Social Media to other nations saying to either " Join the Right Way and achieve Wealth and Power beyond your Imagination or be killed like a common rabid dog like Selene and it's allies".

The IBSC are waiting for a response.


After hearing of this news, Edward Yutan delivers a speech at the capital. "Despite the fact that they intend to attack our mortal enemy, Selene," said Yutan, "They intend to attack all nations of the world. Not only that, but they have killed one of our own. We will temporally work with Selene and its allies for now. We must do so to protect our glorious nation." The Sol Federation has officially declared war against the Icy Black Sun Confederate.
OOC: This is non-canon right?

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OOC: non canon from what? the Flash news?


OOC: The actual role play obviously.

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When asked for a comment during a recent press conference Prime Minister Fortuin stated:

"While the risk of terror attacks remains present, the group posesses no known significant military capabilities or any international support. At this time they remain a localized threat, and pose no major threat to the international community."


Keemu making a now rare appearance has stated 'we will have no involvement with those outside our walls, if they attack our glorious city however, we will fight to the death'
Kitos has stated that 'this new arising of hostiles will be added to the topics of discussion at the Siotos meeting'
Kauzka has remained neutral.


President Lucas Anderson has cited that the rise of the IBSC as "only more proof that a global war on terrorism is needed." While Ducaphe isn't exactly aligned with Selene, the nation has announced plans to take military action against the IBSC, mainly through bombings.


While answering questions during an informal Q&A, a Foreign Office official responded with the following to a question about the Icy Black Sun Confederate: "Please ask me a serious question."

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