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[IC] Flash News


As Procellian Meeting comes to a close and Sasaufe returns, the nation expects to prosper from her trade agreements with them.


The rebel army has pushed back the imperials and the second sons, in an attempt to bring an end to the rebellion the imperial army has killed the ringleader and Druid "Treachus Oveliam", this has had a negative impact on the imperial forces.

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Procellia has sent a priest and a priestess to Kauzka to establish Demonism and train new devotees.

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Several members of President Pulkim's staff have been called to testify before the Congressional Arms Committee, headed by Carl Glasgow(Lib) in regards to the new vigilantes, "Riley's Rangers". Some analysts say that the Committee may attempt to summon President Pulkim himself to speak to them.


Greek Soldiers march on Ottoman home base called Istanbul and massacred all the people inside and finally torched to place

Greek Soldiers also attacked Corinth which was under Ottoman control and demolished the terrorists there

King Haralambos Tsambiras has opened churches and prayer spaces in the cities and began war trials for the remaining terrorists who are facing the death sentence with no parole.

The Greek Government has demanded that the Porcellian medical forces give up the remaining Turkish Terrorists so they can be sentenced

The Greeks have also given the Porcellian Government some of the riches picked up from the Ottoman Turkish Terrorist group which include spices,perfume and metals


The Procellian Medical Forces have surrendered all patients to the victorious Greek government, and returned home.

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Senator Salucci has denounced the recently proclaimed Soltek Pact as a "display of hypocrisy that will lead to heightened tensions" and has urged the First Councillor to oppose it.


Multiple citizens of the Sol Federation have rejoiced in news of this Anti-Selene Pact (basically what it is).


Sasaufe meets with Heesish to discuss the pact.


Imperial Greek Military States thanks the Porcellian medical forces and takes the Ottoman Forces to the war trials where most of them are executed because of their unspeakable actions during their reign of terror.

King Haralambos Tsambiras was the one to finally execute the leader if the Ottoman Terrorist Group Ahmed al Bashadhadi

The King then made a world announcement saying any country who aids the terrorists in fighting back against the Greeks will be attacked severely.

He then came to the capital city of Selene to discuss if the Greeks actions were in any what "inhumane"

Meanwhile the son of Ahmed al Bashadhadi later attacked and held hostage a whole church with all the priests and people inside

Later the son was revealed and he called himself "the enlighten one" while he executed the priests. After he killed the Bishop the special forces finally entered the place and killed all the offenders except "The Enlighten One" who had escaped and hiding in Delphi.

In Delphi the people witnessed this YouTube video which had "The Enlighten One" saying that he was going to start a cult in the area that used to be the territory where the Ottoman Empire had began. At the end of the video "The Enlighten One" and his servants revealed that they had slaves who were terribly abused and were seen boarding a plane out of the country.

The Greek Military are still marching to the area where they are equipped with tanks and artillery.

The Greeks again warned that anyone who interfered would be met by the military head on

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