Region of Selene

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Ranxiagrir climbs into a seat on his private jet. Leaving the council in charge of the country was necessary for him to attend the meeting, but that doesn't mean that he had to like it.
After his steward had called Selene they had established contact with Procellia and, upon discovering that the were late to the meeting, Ranxiagrir had ordered his fastest jet to be used for the trip.
He was wearing his ceremonial furs and the face of the legendary Black Saber Cat that his great-great-grandfather had killed adorned his face, as was the custom of the Pride Leader to wear on special occasions and diplomatic meetings. His royal guard wore similar masks but instead of the common white saber cat to signify their rank. They carried a combination of ceremonial and high tech weapons. These included an automatic rifle that could switch to burst fire, a bone combat knife and night vision goggles made to look like cats eyes.
Ranxiagrir only carried the royal claws for defense. His steward sat next to him.
'My lord do you think having the royal guard as well as fifty soldiers is necessary?' He queried.
'The soldiers will stay with the plane and guard it but the royal guard will come with me as is the custom' Ranxiagrir answered 'I think these things out and you shouldn't be questioning the Pride Leaders decisions should you?'
'No my lord, I will remember my place in the future' The steward replied.
'We want to get on Procellia's good side but I am not one for venturing into an unknown country without protection' Ranxiagrir informed. The jet started up and zoomed at top speed towards Procellia.
Cusarit Castle, Afgurla, Procellia

"Your majesty, only two people have arrived for breakfast" Said a nervous servant standing in the doorway to the office

"Two people or two delegations?" The Dras inquired as he looked up from a book he'd been reading about Selene

"Two delegations" He amended

With a sigh he dismissed the servant and looked at the clock, it was two minutes till. Deciding it would be rude to make his punctual guests wait he set aside his things and walked the short distance to the dining hall

"Greetings fellow leaders of the world" He exclaimed into his translator as he stood at his seat

"I thank you for your time and punctuality. I am Dras Ishay, the ruler of this nation and hand chosen by the demon Lord to rule. Through this meeting I hope to allow those who I deem worthy access to Procellian markets, and ensure our mutual prosperity.

"The once great Empire of Selene is in decline, having fallen prey to their greed at last. We at last have a chance to rule ourselves without fear of their interference. As the leader of this nation I seek to secure our positions as independent nations from Selene and put am end to the wars your nations have suffered under for generations."

With a grand gesture he sat down in his seat, as the servants began to bring out a breakfast of fine fish and noodles, stewed in a broth of water and onions. It was simple, but flavorful.

"Eat up my friends." He exclaimed, then turning to the Pontilier delegation he said "Your leader has already secured a trade deal of wines and silks with us. But please feel free to negotiate for more, I rather enjoy the chance to work with a fellow holiness"

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Cusarit Castle

Marco Valerio took his seat, trying to hide his amazement at either the sheer ignorance or bold revisionism that Dras Ishay was displaying when he described Selene as being a decadent nation that had fostered endless wars. He wanted to speak up, but he knew the time would come, and it was best to focus on one task at a time. He waited as people delivered their breakfast, what looked like fish and noodles with some onnions. He was no fan of onions, but that fish and those noodles looked just fine, so he took a bite. Sure enough, they had a distinct flavour, one that he had never tasted, but was looking forward to fully explore in the days to come.

It was curious that his was one of two delegations that had accepted the invitation to have breakfast. He had assumed all attending delegations would have the courtesy of accepting an invitation from their host, but apparently only Sartoria and Pontilear had such manners. He discretely smirked. Not bad for a Selene puppet now, was it?
Cusarit Castle, Procellia

Ishay slowly ate his breakfast, savoring the flavor. The cuisine of Procellia was highly regionalized, and he had a particular weak spot for the simplicity of southern food.

Pausing halfway through the bowl the demon King regarded his somewhat quiet guests

"Well it seems that you know of my ambitions for this meeting but I know not of yours. Tell me please, Sartoria, what is it you wish to gain from this meeting? Be it trade deals or something else?"

He asked the question calmly, as if the topic at hand were no more pressing than if he'd asked how he had slept, or if the weather was to his liking.

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Cusarit Castle

"Sartoria is a thriving nations with many interests, so naturally we have an open agenda." Valerio took another bite from the fish, savouring it. "I must admit that little is widely known of Procellia in our shores, beyond what I already knew from our Foreign Office. His Highness Prince Patrizio is keenly interested in knowing more about the wider world and establishing friendships where they are possible, so he will be very pleased to hear what I can report back from my visit."

He paused, waiting to see if Ishay had anything in response to that.
Cusarit Castle

"I am quite certain that he will be impressed with your report on my nation. Did he enjoy the book I sent with my other gifts?"

Ishay politely let the question sink in, using the time to eat some more of his breakfast.

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Cusarit Castle

"I fear His Highness may not have had time to examine them. He is currently embarked in a tour of our eastern regions, has been so for the past two weeks. If my calculations are correct, he should be returning to our capital tonight or tomorrow morning. He should be able to examine your gifts then." Valerio was going to stop there, but decided to add an addendum to that. "You will understand that he has not done this to slight Procellia. His Highness has a responsibility to his people, and that must naturally come first."
The Dras calmly finished chewing his bite of food, taking the time to think through his answer

"Naturally a ruler's first duty is to his people."

Gesturing at a servant he whispered in his ears, then dismissing him out the door. Turning to the Pontelier delegation he said

"I apologise for neglecting you. What is it you would wish to obtain from our meeting?"

The servant soon returned with a leather bound book and placed it in front of Marco, it was a copy of a book on Procellian culture.

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Cusarit Castle

Valerio accepted the book. It was custom in Sartoria that one should not handle books while eating, but he still wanted to show as a courtesy that he appreciated the gift. He quickly examined it, his eyes moving from left to right as if he could read each page in a matter of seconds. He felt the leather that covered the book, its softness, and instantly noticed how it had taken careful work to achieve that quality. He closed it and handed it to his aide, not wanting to spoil it with food.

"I very much appreciate this gift. I fear I came unprepared to provide one in return, since my hope was to give it during our first official meeting. You hava my guarantee though that it will be one as representative of Sartoria as this book is of Procellia."

The King and company came down for breakfast

"Greetings" said Willihiam "Good morning to all"
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