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Guess the Next Poster

That's me!


Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

Wrong again. Ryccia's the name.

Our Emperor?

You called?

The Constantine?

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

Wrong again, your Highness.

Senator from Naboo and then Supreme Chancellor Emperor Justinian?

Close enough.

The user with the mostly purple avatar?

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

Purple is just a word.

Our Majestical Majesty?

Sounds like me.

The user with the red crown?

Inviato dal mio iPhone utilizzando Tapatalk

A crown needs a head to be a crown. Otherwise, it is nothing, an artifact. Therefore, as this crown is in the obsolete version of the Fornirian flag, it has no owner.

Your Majesty?


Mr. Oskioporoli?

What is an Oskioripoli? However, I am Mr. Oksioripoli

Our Prime Minister?

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