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[Non-Canon] Updates on the Canartese Crisis


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(Non-Canon) BREAKING: Canartese Government calls for "resistance against the Florenzei devils"

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Canartese riot police are obeying Meridian orders, but many expect that a substantial amount of them will defect soon, forcing Meridia to bring in security personnel from other regions.

Canarto, Meridia - An outraged Canartese public has been whipped up in a frenzy, after the central government outlawed the region's practice of torture for rapists.

Stocks are on meltdown, with the National Stock Exchange of Meridia (NSEM) falling 3.5% on the first ten minutes the move was announced.

What's happening at the moment?

Riots in Canarto are quickly becoming widespread, as beyond furious demonstrators are attacking offices of the national bureaucracy. Non-Canartese employees are reported to either have fled, or being held hostage by rioters.

The Meridian Cabinet has convened an emergency session, and Congress has also called for one. The Senators and Delegates of Canarto have refused to attend in protest.

It is reported that the Meridian government is debating three options:
- Back down and allow Canartese torture once more,
- Activate all riot police forces available to subdue the riots in Canarto,
- Or, go further and declare martial law, arresting the Canartese leadership, and attempt to secure the region by military force.

It is clear that the Canartese government will not cooperate. The First Minister of the region has defied national directives to directly order the people to stand down, instead imploring on them to "fight against the Florenzei devils". Many experts fear that the regional security forces and Canartese troops will defect and refuse Florenzei's orders.

Observers also fear that a wave of assassination attempts, riots, terrorist attacks, and more might soon make their appearance. Social media users are calling the government "crazy for allowing this to happen", and movement in the capital is gradually slowing, as some Florenzites lock themselves at their homes, fearing a terrorist attack.

It is unclear what will specifically happen, but what is clear is that the violence will only continue.

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Non-Canon] Updates on the Canartese Crisis - by Fornoire - 10-08-2018, 12:15 PM

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