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Overview of Varenil


(hi, I’m just trying to flesh out my nation. Feel free to comment/ask questions.)

The Community of Varenil is a democratic nation comprised of roughly 39 million citizens inhabiting Varenil’s four distinct districts: Avanor, Cenalt, Orisur, and Vestsur. 

Long ago, these four districts began as separate unclaimed territories, inhabited by natives. As they grew in size and began to interact more among  each other, the separate populations realized that they had more in common than different and decided to band together and govern themselves for strength in numbers- so they declared themselves as a nation. 

Each of the four districts votes on representatives that make up The Prime Council of Varenil, which is where the majority of the government’s power is located. There are also national elections held for Varenil’s Chief, who is technically the ruler of the nation, but in reality plays a very passive role- only voting in the council if a tiebreaker is needed and only able to veto if the winning vote is ¾ or less of the council. 

Varenil’s legislation upholds the personal freedoms of all Varenian citizens including: legal gun ownership, equal marriage, legal recreational substances, and legal abortion. The intentions being to restrict the citizens’ personal choices as little as possible. The council contains responsibilities over education, military, and international relations. Since the economy is free market, there was an attempt to privatize  the entirety education as an industry, but there was less success than when it was public, so it was turned back over to the government. Private schools and universities are allowed, but after the previous failures the citizens have yet to create any. The public school system  offers optional preparatory school years for children under the age of 6, and then is compulsory for children ages 6-16 when they are allowed to dropout in grade 10. If students continue to graduation, they normally graduate between the ages of 17-19 depending on their course schedules in grades 10-12. 

Avanor, the least populated at only 3 million citizens, is known for their luxury goods by containing many large wineries, cannabis farms, and jewelry manufacturers.  Cenalt, the most population at 10 million citizens, is known for their petroleum and textile industries while containing both the capital city Covaci and Varenil’s largest city Qeznic where the very prominent industry of maglev trains is headquartered. Orisur, populated by 7 million citizens, is known for their timber, agriculture, livestock, and petroleum industries. Vestur, populated by 9 million stations, contains large amounts of the coast therefor being known primarily for their seafood industry. 

Varenil is located in the southern hemisphere. Overall the climate is temperate, being warmer in the north in the south and in the mountains that run through the middle of Varenil.

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