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Official Visit to Alssahra


Bar at the Funduq Jarand
November 10 at 7PM

A small group entered the bar, one reading something on his phone and the rest looking around at the tables. They all seemed to be somehow torn between looking for whoever it was they were supposed to meet and simply admiring the elegant setup of the bar. A few seconds after, someone at the far end of the bar stood and waved at them, to which the group nodded and started walking. They reached the woman who had waved at them and noticed she was wearing an intricate set of robes, what they identified as Alssahran business attire. She was accompanied by two other officials, a man and a woman, both wearing similar robes. They all greeted each other, shaking hands and bowing, the latter in traditional Alssahran fashion, and exchanged pleasantries, before taking their seats around the table.

They all took out their phones or small notebooks, and started discussing the reason for their meeting, the incoming group first. Had they received the full schedule? How would the motorcade be arranged? Could their own security officials be accommodated? Would the seventh floor be closed to the general public? They discussed all that and more, going over every small detail of the visit. Their hosts also had questions, particularly regarding any updates to the schedule and whether they had any special requests. There were some changes, mainly about the visit to the former occupied area, but the schedule was for the most part the same. They ordered some fruit juices, passing on any food for the moment, and they continued talking.

It took them about two hours and lots of notetaking, but eventually they finished their meeting. Things were mostly ready, the only outstanding issues being the security inspections to the seventh floor and to the specific places in the former occupied area to be visited. That would be done in the coming days, and then everything would be ready. There were five days before the arrival of the First Councillor of Sartoria.

Alghana Al'ard Air Force Base
November 15 at 7:40PM

A plane landed and taxied along the runway of Alghana Al'ard Air Force Base, the reddish tones in the darkening sky causing it to cast long shadows. It finally stopped next to a red carpet, an airstair soon approaching the front entrance. A few minutes passed, until the door opened and a serious of officials stepped out and started walking down the stairs, until finally a man with black hair, not excessively tall or otherwise exceptional-looking, stepped out through and walked down the stairs too. While not the most impressive man when first seen, Marco Valerio was widely known as one of the most intelligent politicians in his country, a very well learned man and an official particularly well positioned to effectively set and execute foreign policy. He did not think of himself that way, and often made a point to downplay the skills that others attributed to him, but his reputation resisted those attempts at being diminished.

He reached the ground, where both his officials and the receiving officials were waiting for him, he approached the woman closest to him and respectfully bowed.

"Madam First Councillor" He said to Amal Reem El-Ghazzawy. "It is such a pleasure to see you again."


Councillor El-Ghazzawy was dressed in traditional formal robes, with a woven head wrap in the same colour scheme. Standing by her Second Councillor, dressed in a formal suit as opposed to robes, and her security detail, she returned the bow given by Valerio with one of her own, careful to go slowly so the head wrap did not fall off.

After coming up and listening to Valerio's greeting, she said, "A pleasure to see you as well, First Councillor. Please, let us walk to the motorcade." Gesturing to the limousine with the door open, she began to walk slowly, to prevent her feet from catching and tugging on the robes. "First Councillor, these are dangerous times we live in. The conclusion of the war did not conclude tensions in the Nahr valley, and the nationalists and communists in Alssahra are starting to make a comeback thanks to the intervention in Kauzka. The Sultan, as you know, is very pro-democratic, and almost suggested that I approve an intervention in the Sol Federation."


Valerio smiled, very briefly, as he greeted his counterpart and joined her on the way to the motorcade. He nodded as she explained the situation within Alssahra and the delicate conditions in the rest of the world. He did share some of those concerns, particularly the interventionist policies espoused by Yutan and his foreign allies. As much as he intended to advocate for bilateral commerce during his visit, and important goal of his was definitely to begin creating a reasonable alternative to the Nationalist Alliance.

"I wholeheartedly agree,, Madam First Councillor. With the rise of the Nationalist Alliance and its interventionist policies, our countries will soon find themselves the only barrier between it and those countries who value peace and freedom. It is imperative that we take steps to ensure the world is safe for free societies."

By the time he finished they had reached the motorcade, specifically the official vehicle, so Valerio turned to directly face El-Ghazzawy and bowed again. "I am sure we will have ample time to discuss this and other important matters later, when we hold our working meeting. Thank you in advance for your hospitality, Madam First Councillor."

He then got into the vehicle, the door being closed as soon as he was safely in, and then the motorcade started moving, away from the runway on its way to the hotel.


Watching the motorcade drive away and out of the airbase, the First Councillor stood with her secondary, the Second Councillor İrfan Peynirci. When the motorcade was out of sight, El-Ghazzawy turned to face the taller man and began to speak. "What do you think, Cumhur?" She called everyone in the Cabinet by their middle name.

He sighed while still looking in the direction of the exit the motorcade took. "Too arrogant. It feels like the Sartorian treasury has gone to his head." Peynirci was dressed in a more modern style of the robes, but they still weren't a suit. The second motorcade for them was standing by for when they wanted to leave to the Shurfa.

El-Ghazawy chuckled and placed her hand on his back. "Come, Cumhur. We must resolve the economic crisis on hand, which I suspect is the reason that the First Councillor has come." She put pressure on his back as she started to walk, and he followed suit, walking slightly ahead of the hand so that he didn't get pushed.

"Of course, Councillor. Perhaps he has come for another, grander reason than rebuilding," speculated Peynirci.

"We will know soon. Fi waqt manasib," said El-Ghazzawy. "Wabihusn niatan."

"Bihusn niatan."


Valerio had always disliked the bubble that isolated officials from the public wherever they went, and motorcades were a prime example of that. It had been years since he had last taken a bus unaccompanied, without security following him. He liked his job and was hoping to serve a second term, but the unending security bubble was one aspect that he disliked. Except that it did have its benefits every once in a while. Even he had to admit that it was quite nice having a luxurious jet all to himself, getting to meet foreign leaders, not having to wait in traffic. As his motorcade made its way to the hotel, with the streets mostly clear, he talked with his Senior Advisor.

"How are we with the schedule, Claudio?"

Claudio Vincenzo looked up. He had been reading some emails, mostly updates from the advance team that was already at the hotel. "We are doing great so far, First Councillor. Our advance team is already at the hotel, so everything is ready for when we arrive. You will have about thirty minutes to rest, and then there will be a meeting with Ambassador Rezia in the second floor. She will be briefing you on the state of relations between Sartoria and Alssahra. We gave you a full report, but it will be good for you to hear how things are from her perspective, particularly since she was here for the full duration of the Nahr War."

Valerio nodded. "I assume we'll be leaving for the gala dinner immediately after that?"

"That is correct sir. Your meeting with the ambassador should take about thirty minutes, and then you will both leave for the gala dinner. Your schedule for tomorrow and thereafter is as we discussed during the flight. You should have the full details in your email."

"Fantastic. Thanks Claudio." Valerio leaned back, but a few seconds after he called for Vicenzo again. "Remember that brief on the formation of an alliance? Can you ensure I have that with me in time for the meeting with Maria Rezia?"



"Fath! Ahahaha! Come on, Sherif! You've had years of practice at this, surely you can do better than that?" Ahmed was elated as he had beaten Sherif at a game the two of them had played for years. Sherif rarely faltered in his play style, but something was different for him today, and he lost. Grabbing the money on the table, he chuckled softly under the light of the fluorescent tube in the guard post.

"Bah. I thought I could try something new this time and trick you. Turn on the heater, would you?" replied Sherif, shivering in his jacket. "When I'm done with my tour, I'm moving to the desert. This climate just isn't for me." He looked over at his empty thermos and sighed.

"Scientists over in the main base are going to chew us out for using the stored power, but alright. What about the radio? We haven't gotten any news from the mainland in a while."

Sherif nodded for a minute or two and shivered a bit more in his bundled clothing. "Alright. Turn off the light, it'll save the energy," he told the younger guard. "See you at dawn."

Ahmed nodded and turned around to start turning off the light. Flipping a switch, the fluorescent light went out, and the buzz it provided was silenced as quickly. Sitting in the dark for only a minute, Sherif heard another switch as the heater came on, and filled the post with a different, lower buzz. The third flick of a switch filled it with a static, provided by the radio. Sherif leant over to turn the knob to the only channel they can pick up, and the crackling of a voice was heard after a little fiddling.

". . . in Fornoire today, as the government continues to struggle following the war with the Mafia. And now, for a recap," said the radio in the crackling static voice. "Sartorian First Councillor Marco Valerio has departed for Atariia after a meeting with Councillor Amal El-Ghazzawy. Noting the agreement to lower tariffs in Alssahra to promote business and reconstruction, Councillor El-Ghazzawy has noted an informal agreement to begin work on a joint space programme between Alssahra and Sartoria."

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