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Last Person to Post Wins!


*Oscad appears in Kauzkas place*


Winning, like everything else, is a temporary illusion. It exists now only because I believe it does. I expect that when I next think about it, the illusion will be gone, and I will be left with what I had before, and a new feeling of loss equal and opposite to this feeling of winning.


Umm.. I don't mean to be disrespectful... But I don't know how to respond to that. It seems like you love those kind of things, right? I can't spell it but I know what is.

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I win.


I am overcome by the realization that winning, like sight, hearing and all other senses as well as almost all aspects of life, is but and illusion. If cows perceive green as yellow, who are we to tell them we are wrong? A type of shrimp has 16 cones to our 3, so really we are not perceiving a mere fraction of what they see. Everything in life is but hinged on the perspective of the person perceiving, what if we all see green as a different color? but none of us know because we are taught that it is green from a young age. The illusion of winning, like most other happy aspects of life, is like a drug. When we have it we experience great pleasure, but when it leaves all that is left is the feeling that you had before, which, in comparison, is painful and depressing. All we think about is when we can get our next hit, of winning, having power or anything else along those lines.




I win.

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*attempts to punch Constanine in the face with a Dio Punch* Not so fast!

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Aaaaaaaah no me!!! me win!


Got em.

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