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Last Person to Post Wins!

*arrives with Fydoria's military to take win*

Hand it over, or we'll shoot!

Why are you advertising?

*cue in Balin, from The Hobbit*

That, my lad, was a spammer.

(02-15-2017, 10:17 AM)Aethelia Wrote: Uncomfortable around someone using the language and symbols of a hate group, calling themselves MRAs, who decided awhile back to "raid" our support forum for rape and sexual assault survivors, thinking it was somehow funny to post stupid memes about "triggering" us, mocking the safe spaces many of us need to recover from what we've been through, and harassing several others with messages telling them they are "lucky to be raped" because of their appearance which is inaccurate and insensitive for several reasons, and probably sending rape threats to them too since that's what members of their group do even though I personally didn't get one of those, which all went on far too long and upset many before an admin got in to ban them all.

It didn't come up on that day, but they are the same people who oppose the No Means No campaign against sexual violence. Which you'd think is something that shouldn't even have opposition, but nope, guys like him oppose it, often threatening to dox and rape any women they disagree with.

Even if he wasn't part of that specific instance, I've had enough experience with guys from that group to know never to trust them, or anyone who feels the need to boost their own egos by harassing others, particularly those they see as being the most vulnerable.

Ok I think we got off on the wrong foot here. If you think I'm some /pol/ack here to mess with everyone you're quite mistaken. I just got into a bit of mutual sh*tposting and image spam with some guy on a political thread and I referenced a German parody book whose title literally translates to "look whos back" to reference my own return to these forums. I'm sorry if I gave the wrong impression but I am legitimately here because I'm a big nerd for Byzantine history. Please refrain from dumping me in the same basket as some MGTOW cringelords just because of some offcolor humor and a Pepe avatar, gratias!

It seems like it's my time to win!

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I've won!

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

You won! We will watch your career with great interest.

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Lies! Deception!

Lies? Deception? Get your facts straight. We stand amidst my achievements, not yours!

This win is still mine!

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The dream is that I win, so I must save the dream!

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