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The New Stelle Meeting (IC)


It was the day. It was the day that numerous members of the Nationalist Alliance would meet up and discuss issues on the world, and on the alliance itself.
Duce Edward Yutan has prepared for this. He had gotten a nice clean table with at least 10 seats, in case any surprises might show up. The room was a bit dark, but not too dark, and had a modern feel to it. The door leading to the room was huge, with soldiers outside and inside. Outside of the capital, Solteks with flags praising the state and the leader, Yutan, and welcoming the leaders to New Stelle. They said things such as, "Welcome friends! May we destroy our enemies togther!"
This is exactly what Yutan wanted. To show the nationalism that Solteks felt. But, now it was time for the big meeting to take place. He awaited for Wellman and the others to arrive.


A long motorcade rolled up outside the building. Out of the main limousine came Sir Arthur Wellman, Grand Imperator of the Drewish Empire. As a symbolic display of trust between the Empire and its closest ally, the Solteks, Wellman had came with no guard detail. Wellman walked into the room, and took a seat near Yutan.

"Greetings Mr. Yutan! I have high hopes for this summit. I suppose we should wait to really buckle down until Chancellor Gaius arrives."


A small Porsche arrived with the Greek Ambassador Spyrodon Doulakis. The Imperial Greek Military States wanted to repair a bond with the Sol Federation after moments of conflict and distrust to each other.

Spyrodon Doulakis said " Greetings Mr Edward Yutan, I hope we can form a new bond of trust with our nations."


(Sorry I haven't been responding, I've been unexpectedly busy this past week.)
"Hello both of you!" said Yutan. "It's nice to meet you, Sir Wellman, and Doulakis. I assure you both that this summit will prove to be effective in strengthening our friendship, and rekindle old ones. I've gone all out this time, as you can see."
Yutan was referring to the numerous crowds outside cheering and welcoming the two. They could hear their shouts of "Welcome to the Sol Federation, gentlemen! May Yutan and you bring peace to the Selene dominated world!"
"Now then," said Yutan, "let us proceed with the meeting!"


Spyrodon Doulakis sat down and said "Well Mr Yutan i am here to strengthen relationships with our nations and ending the time of distrust and conflict we have had in the past. Shall we organise a trade line between our nations.

Hopefully that will strengthen an alliance between our nations


"In time we will reach a trade agreement Mr. Doulakis. Perhaps we can discuss the trade section of this alliance a bit later? I propose we discuss the military obligations that members of the alliance partake in."


Spyrodon Doulakis turned to Sir Arthur Wellam and said "Are you talking about the recent military threats made by terrorists in this region and that we should strengthen our military operations on them or something else in that matter


[[OOC]] Guys please be sure to remember that ICly for this RP you are still on the day IC when this RP was started. So any events that happened after 12-25-2016 are the "future" and should not be in this RP. Thank you!


OOC: I know. But if by threats he means the RCSK camps, then those were in operation long before this meeting


"I propose that the Nationalist Alliance be based on a principle of mutual defense. An attack on one nation would be considered an attack on all of us. Additionally, I would say that if it is put to vote, and the vote is unanimous, an offensive war including all members of the alliance would also be justified. Each member would contribute a minimum of 2.5% of their GDP under this agreement. Finally, I propose that the NA maintains a standing peacekeeping of 20,000-30,000 troops, which would operate under a joint command between all member nations. This force would be used to beef up security of all members, as well as aid in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions throughout the world."

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