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Flash News

The Parthenopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has condemned the Fornirian-Republican assault as blatant lies of what was supposed to be a three day cease-fire.


Prime Minister Dimitriou has spent the day in his home constituency visiting a summer camp for kids. His husband and graduated daughter were also in attendance.


Grand commander Anselmetti has announced the death of Commander Lambros in a climbing accident, noting his body could not be discovered.


An Antarctic expedition set up by the University of Supra Johan has set sail today, despite the ongoing conference on the fate of the continent in Reshara.

Unrepentant, Fornirian-Republican forces are intensifying their shelling of rebel-held territory. King Willihiam III has condemned the "complete disregard for our military code and honour, and for civilians trapped in rebel-held areas". He has begun discussions with the Minister of the Military to stop the bombardment, instead to agree to the original terms and let civilians escape.


A source close to the investigation committee into the hacking of the 2015 Septiman election has leaked that there was 'definitive evidence of collusion'. They were immediately taken into custody.

Fornirian-Republican forces report great advances in territory, as rebel forces in the frontlines either surrender, pull back, or are annihilated.

The Parthenopian Government has confirmed they are planning to cooperate with the Sartoria request in regards to the White Hand.

Fornoire has offered full assistance to Sartoria regarding the White Hand incident. It has been declared illegal to sympathize with the Sacuri, and Sacuri has been classified as an illegal cult.

Police have conducted mass raids all over Fornoire, arresting 64 people in suspicion of consuming or even producing pornographic material. The Democratic Revolution had brought up some hope for it to be legalized by extremist social liberal forces, but Parliament has rejected proposals with 70%+ opposition. "We remain a decent nation" says PM Venuse Petage.

Reshara: The Kai was taken to hospital early this morning with heart problems. No further statements have been made at this time.

Parthenopias: Archon Antari is flying to Reshara to attend a conference between the two nations on economic cooperation.

A Sacuri-inspired attempt at killing children to sacrifice them to the Christian Devil has been foiled, after one of the kidnappers turned out to be an infiltrator from the Crown Forces who shot the individuals. As the operations of the Crown Forces are illegal to publish due to secrecy, all mention of this event was censored in Fornoire.

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