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Accounts of Almusāfir(Enhannsh: Almusafre) [800ad]


While he listened to the translator,  Eméron surveyed the men. He has never seen such tanned skin before, with only the sun beaten hide of farmers coming close. As he replied to the man, he pulled off his hat and bowed, letting his pale white hair fall out and hang down.

"May the Sun guide you men of the Far East, my name is Eméron de Domal, a minor noble and page to his majesty Prince Therrie. I shall be your guide today and for the rest of your stay here in our humble city. If you would kindly follow me, I shall lead you to the royal Temple past the outer and inner bailey to begin our tour after some refreshments. The Prince would also wish for you to observe the Nüneret ceremony held within the temple itself. "

Spurring his horse, Eméron turned towards the city and begun the trot back. The guards that followed him took up positions on either side of the group.

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RE: Accounts of Almusāfir(Aldenen: Almüsævir) - by Aldenfojur - 11-11-2018, 01:11 AM

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