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Municipalities and Wards of Fornoire


NameMetropolitan Ward of Maria
Mitropolitaur Daika Maria (Fornirian)
Location in Fornoire
[Image: 9l0MwVM.png]

[Image: ATV6Q8k.jpg]
Metropolitan Area
MayorMario Viriopes (Conservative)
TypeMetropolitan Ward
Public Mail Code
Maria Ward Council

The Metropolitan Ward of Maria (Fornirian: Mitropolitaur Daika Maria) is a metropolitan ward in Fornoire.

Maria's original name is not known (most probably it was intentionally erased), but Catholic factions of the Royal Family named the then-small walled city this in the 450s, before Fornoire was even an united country. The name praised the Virgin Mary, and even today Maria is the seat of the Silver St. Paul the Apostole Cathedral, the seat of the Archbishop of Catherine. Residents here tend to have more conservative tendencies, as many are more proportionally Catholic and devout than in any other ward in the metropolitan area.

Like many of the wards, as Catherine got bigger in the industrialization period, Maria was absorbed by its metropolitan area. However, the population here retains a localist tendency due to its religious history. More devout migrants proportionally moved here than in any other ward, as Maria was considered a good place to live and get an industrial job if you were religious, and even more if you were a Catholic. After all, it was away from the more liberal, even more leftist, industrial areas of the city.

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RE: Municipalities and Wards of Fornoire - by Fornoire - 07-04-2017, 03:35 PM

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