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Prime Minister's Questions [24.05.17]


Anna thoroughfully approved of the intent of the answer, even if she was somehow uncomfortable with the uproar and slightly bombastic nature of the reply. She did not hold it against the Prime Minister, who had good reason to feel passionate about the subject, and she most certainly didn't reveal any approval or disapproval through her gestures or facial expression. Her job was to preside over the session, not to take sides.

Next on the list was a considerablt young and recent addition to the House, an Environmentalist by the name of Alexandros Argryis. She knew a few things about him, most importantly how strongly he felt about environmental policies, something unsurprising, given his party membership. She called his name, and sat back, eager to hear the question.

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RE: Prime Minister's Questions [24.05.17] - by Justinian Kalominos - 05-26-2017, 03:39 PM

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