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Eraphalian-Nonfreesonian Trade Agreement


There was silence in the air, a deafening silence that overwhelmed everyone in the room. As the sun lighted up the polish room, as the trickles of light tickled at the shadows, as the glasses reflected the light, everyone sat in silence. A single middle-aged man took off his glasses and polished it with a napkin as he glanced at his peers and raised an eyebrow before speaking, "Gentlemen and ladies I rather that you all not simply sit there taking everything in slowly. No, none of you have misheard me. I, as the Director of NIED, cast my support for the passing of this economic trade law."

"Sir, you cannot ju-just simply think and support this," one of the board members snapped out of his silence energetically, his voice rising, "this utter nonsense that would damn threaten our industries. Free Trade, and excuse me director, but free trade agreements? I don't doubt your intelligence director but... but this is-"

"Board Member Fields, please calm down," the director raised his hand as he eyed at the rebellious member, "may I remind you that this is a board of doctorates? Please slow down and collect your thoughts. Now, excusing Dr. Fields' riot, let us continue with our other agendas for the day. I," the director paused before continuing, "expect every single one of you be at the meeting when we announce this agreement. If you don't, so help you and your families."

And thus, there was quietness before the topic shifted onwards, to other subjects.

"The National Institution of Economic Development is issuing a new statement coming from the Board of Economics, a doctorate-level board headed by Director Hilms himself. As of October 25th, 2016, the Eraphalian government is entering into a free trade agreement with the nation of Nonfreesonia. Two hours ago, the Eraphalian Senate has approved of this measure and is now considered an official law. The details of the law will be uploaded onto NIED's website and the law will be recorded in the legislative website. Interviews with economists regarding to this will follow in later hours, stay tune for updates," a new's reporter listed off the information in an informative yet quick-paced format, "this is the National Daily channel."

The Eraphalian State announces a Free Trade Agreement with Nonfreesonia, but it also offers, at the same time, others to join in the Free Trade Agreement.

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Eraphalian-Nonfreesonian Trade Agreement - by Enbayft - 10-25-2016, 06:37 PM

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