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Flash News
short news from around the world

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Archon Jessero today met with the Twelve Princes who represent the Dodecopolis that formed Parthenopias. Energy and Defense were top points discussed.


Prince Patrizio will host a small gathering tonight at the Claudian Palace to celebrate the birthday of his wife, Princess Adriana.


The President of Ifereich, Hans Thomas Kayode, has died at the age of 73 from complications due to lung cancer, after 38 years of rule.


Archon Jessero flanked by Hegemon Valeri and Tararch Massinus, announced that this year's elections will be held on the 21st of May.


The Ambassador to Valhiem and the Administrator of Trade will be meeting with Rodbukt and SOR later this week about a trade contract for crude oil.


A massive socialist uprising began in Yutangrad, with the military expected to intervene in the conflict.


Tararch Massinus has announced he will not be seeking the Archonship. This throws the field wide open as he had been the party favorite for a decade.


Fydoria has decided to make use of its only colony on the peninsula of Bermaine. Fydoria's Oil company the FOR, (Fydorian Oil Refineries INC) has opened its doors on the colony, and plans for a prosperous future.


The Parthenopian Electoral Commission (PEC) has announced that there will be two debates during this cycle. The first on the 5th of May and the second on the 19th.

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