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The Federated Kingdom of Akarus is a country on the continent of Theodosia. It is bordered by Tepetitlan to the east, Parsania to the south, and the Polanen Mountains to the north. Akarus has maritime borders on the Grand Sea in the southeast and Isaurian Sea to the west.

Table of Contents
  1. Politics
  2. Culture
  3. History
  4. History - Early History
  5. History - Medieval Fragmentation and the War of the Rijks
  6. History - Early Modern Era and the Kapelgian Revolution
  7. History - The Rebirth of Akarus and the Industrial Age
  8. History - Recent History

  • Capital: Andropen
  • Population: 83,574,779 (2014 Census)
  • Area: 1,542,201km^2
  • Population Density: 54.19/km^2
  • Government type: Constitutional monarchy
  • Head of State: King Charles IV of House Blixen
  • Head of Government: Prime Minister Rodolf Fortuin
[Image: sCeAjV8.png]
Politics of Akarus

Politcal Subdivisions
  • States - Akarus is divided into four states. The states were created after unification with their borders drawn along the approximate boundries of the four main cultural groups of Akarus, and as a result each state possesses a significant national identity. Akarus is very decentralized and each state has a great deal of autonomy, sometimes seeming almost like independent nations to foreigners. Each state has its own unicameral legislature though the exact structure varies by state.
  • Provinces - States are further divided into a total of 79 provinces. Unlike states, provinces are largely based on the political boundries of pre-unification states and can very wildly in size and population. Each province possesses some form of democratic government though its size and form vary signicantly between provinces. In addition to municipalities, some larger provinces may possess further regional subdivisions.
Executive - National
  • King/Queen - The monarch serves as the head of state of Akarus. Succession is done according to Agnatic-Cognatic Primogeniture; the oldest male child inherits, or the oldest female child if no male heir exists. Though Akarus has transitioned to a constitutional monarchy the monarchy continues to serve a major role politically and as a symbol of national unity. The current monarch is King Charles IV of House Blixen.
  • Prime Minister - The Prime Minister is the democratic head of government of Akarus. The Prime Minister is an MP selected by a plurality of the house. The current Prime Minister is Rodolf Fortuin.
Executive - State
  • Governor-General - The Governor-General is the viceregal head of the state. The Governor-General is appointed directly by the monarch, however for several decades this has been done according to an statewide "advisory" vote conducted during each state election. The position was an appointed noble, however it has since opened to all citizens. The Governor-General serves until dismissed by the monarch, an act traditionally done following the conclusion of the vote.
  • Lieutenant-Governor - The Lieutenant-Governors are appointed by the monarch by recommendation of the Government-General. Lieutenant-Governors serve until they or the Governor-General is dismissed by the monarch. The Lieutenant-Governor typically serves as both a deputy to the Governor-General, and as the state's "foreign affairs" leader.
The Parliament of Akarus is a bicameral legislature consisting of the Bondsdag and Bondsenaat.
  • Bondsdag - The Bondsdag is an elected legislative body consisting of 316 members. Elections are held every five years using a Mixed-Member Proportional system. Each of 79 provinces are divided into two electoral disctricts which elect an representatived by a First Past the Post vote. The remaining 158 seats are distributed between between the states proportionally by population, and are filled according to the MMP proportional representation vote.
  • Bondsenaat - The Bondsenaat is an appointed legislative body of 104 members. Each of Akarus's states recieve 26 seats regardless of population. Senators are appointed directly appointed by the state's Governor-General when a vacancy emerges, and serves for 25 years or until death/retirement.
Political Parties
  • Socialistische Partij
  • Democratische Unie
  • Demokratisk Allianse av Kapel
  • Conservatieve Partij van Akarus
  • Kapelgian Høyre
  • Nationaal Herleving Partij
  • Kapelgian Frigjøringsbevegelsen
  • Einder Koalitioun
  • Colbene Nasionale Front
  • Groene Partij
[Image: bTMykMb.png]
Culture of Akarus

Major Cultural Groups
  • Andleric ("Dit is een voorbeeld zin in het Andleric") The largest group within Akarus. Akarus was founded and led by Andlerics for most of its history, and has mantained a dominant position within the country. The Andleric language is also the most common within Akarus, and is spoken to some extent by the majority of the population.
  • Colbene ("Dit is 'n voorbeeld sin in Colbene") The status of Colbene is an ongoing dispute within Akarus. The Colbenes were originally a distinct ethnic group, but centuries of direct Andleric rule had almost entirely assimilated it. However the Colbene maintain a distinct dialect and national identity, however the Akarusian government views it language as merely a dialect of Andleric rather than its own language or culture. With the right to statehood largely tied to language and culture, the fight for recognition has become a running conflict as a nmber of Colbene demand their own state.
  • Einder ("Dat ass e Beispill vun engem Saz op Einder")
  • Kapelgian ("Dette er et eksempel setning i Kapelgian") Kapelgian is the most different of the Akarusian languages from Andleric, and while posessing broader similiarites is typically considered part of a different language group. The Kapelgians mantain a strong national identity and the largest separtist sentiment.
  • Rykenian ("Dit is in stekproef sin yn it Rykenian")
History of Akarus
Early History

[Image: Z8dMMfn.png]
Expansion of Akarus from the foundation of the early Kingdom to the creation of the Akarusian Empire.

The foundation of Akarus is traditionally dated to 502 CE, during the reign of King Sigurd I Rijk. During his lifetime Sigurd I greatly expanded the early kingdom's hegemony over the Andleric lands, and would later be crowned "King of the Andlers". Under subsequent rulers the kingdom continued to expand, conquering the eastern Colbenes and spreading its influence over the many Rykenian fifedoms.

Over the following centuries Andler would continue to spread eastward. Its expansion would put it in continual conflict with its rival, the Kingdom of Kapel. The two kingdoms fought for centuries for control over Rykene and Einde. Under King Esulf I Akarus and its allies successfully defeated Kapel, significantly reducing its territory and annexing their Colbene allies.

In 941 Frethirik I the Great (often known as "Frederik" or "Frederick") was elected as King of Andler. His reign was a period of great expansion for the Kingdom; Frederik subjugated the Einde kingdoms and finished the northern expedition that conquered the remaining Rykenian tribes. In the legendary Battle of Otterloo he decisively defeated the Kapelgians, seizing their western territory and reducing the Kingdom to a mere tributary of Andler.

To reflect his newfound power, in 972 Frederik would found the Empire of Akarus and declare himself Keizer (Emperor) of Akarus. While the early empire included only the kingdoms of Andler, Einde, and Rykene later Emperors continued to expand its borders to include its tributaries in Kapel, northern Rykene and the island of Alttrier.
Medieval Fragmentation and the War of the Rijks

In the following centuries the Empire experienced a number of succession crises which resulted in the Imperial crown being passed between a number of Andleric dynasties. The Empire never developed any significant centralization during this period, and power instead increasingly flowed to the territories of the Empire. By the 1200s the House of Rijk had again reasserted control of the Imperial throne, electing several successive emperors.

In 1294 the Electors of the Akarus met to elect the successor to the deceased Henry V Rijk. The electors soon becane divided into two factions, one supporting the Emperor's son, Frederick IV, and the other his brother, Godfrey II. In 1296 a group of Electors elected Frederick, and in response two days later a different group of Electors elected Godfrey. Both refused to recognized the other's election and by next month war had broken put between the factions. Two months later the Kapelgian King Bjørn IV Handingmann rose in open revolt against the Empire, sweeping across the eastern regions of the Empire while the Imperial claimants clashed in the west.

Though casualty numbers on the "War of the Rijks" are conflicting, the war was one of the most destructive in Akarusian history. Both claimants gained a reputation for their ruthlessness, particularly Godfrey, though some historians have disputed the validity of these claims. After three years of fighting Frederick IV was killed on October 23rd, 1299 in the Battle of Moorsel. Rather than recognizing Godfrey as Emperor, Electors from all sides conspired and elected Kristof I van Hertain as Emperor. The great-grandson of Olivier I Rijk, Kristof I was elected to be a puppet of the rebellious vassals. Leading their newly raised army Kristof attacked the capital, defeating Godfrey and imprisoning him. Rallying a reunited Empire he marched east towards Kapel, defeating the rebellion in the Battle of Bevermeer and mortally wounding King Bjørn IV. Though Kristof would sign many rights to the Imperial states, increasing the Empire's growing fragmentation and weakening Imperial power, in 1312 he abolished the elective monarchy and established hereditary rule for the Imperial throne.
Early Modern Era and the Akarusian Interregnum
Series of political and religious conflicts in following centuries continued to divide the Empire, Emperors increasingly failing to assert control over their far flung territories.

The death of Keizer Ijsbrand I in 1557 left his infant son Martin I as heir to the throne, beginning the period known as the Akarusian Interegnum. In the ensuing regency the Regent Edward II van Chevemont usurped the throne and executed the child. Edward II would be murdered several months later, and one of his former conspirators Reinaerd I van Kasteren would take the throne. The youngest brother of Ijsbrand I, Lutbert I, would overthrow the usurpers and restore the van Hertain dynasty to the throne. However during the following year Lutbert would be killed in a "hunting accident", with his older brother Renate I taking the throne. Renate too would soon die after a period of illness. Neither he nor his brothers would leave any surviving legitimate sons, and on his death the van Hertain dynasty would become extinct. While their supporters would attempt to declare their half-sister Beatrice I as Empress her claim would not be widely recognized, and Akarus entered a period of interregnum as a new Emperor was sought. Pretenders rose up across the Empire in an attempt to cross throne, though none would recieve recognition by the Bondsdag. During this period the states of the Empire were largely ruled directly by their respective nobles. The interregnum would only end in 1599 when the Bondsdag would elect Charles I van Hussenberg as Emperor.

Keizer Roeland I further fractured the Empire in 1643, dividing the three Imperial Kingdoms between his sons to ease administration of the Empire.

By the 1700s Imperial authority had largely been reduced to territories under direct Imperial control within the Kingdom of Andler. The four kingdoms had become their own autonomous entities within the Empire, under the nominal leadership of the Emperor. The territories of the Empire continued to remain highly decentralized, with estimates of at least 200 states within the Empire during most of the century.