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Leriganum, Arzixilegan Republic (利市, 津池後京) (Leriganum, Arzixilegarigo)

A dark night...

People seek shelter...

Soldiers march and run...

Sijanrideidnemo (derogatory term for communists, literally meaning "Communist demons" or "Equal People demons") fire...

A city burns in ruins... 市 歯卯員 府米... (Ganum bamzemoavi fimve...)



"Move in!"

"The communists are in the coffee shop!"

A world of war had been unleashed at the Republic's own capital. Although the fighting was mainly in the district of Sihiwatan (as it was the only district the communists securely held), communists were everywhere. Their urban guerrilla and terrorist tactics meant that the Republic faced a cruel enemy, who would attack even hospitals in the city.

Evacuation was tried, but the government advised for every citizen to run for their lives and leave the city if they could. What was once the Glamour City of the Republic was being destroyed to the ground by an ideological opposite.

The roads leading out of the capital became highways for freedom, for those seeking refuge anyway. Sometimes the roads were so clogged by refugees that communists mowed down hundreds in shooting attacks.

The Republic, a bastion of democracy and free thought, was inefficient when it came to military affairs. The military was often politicized, so it was consensus among politicians to fund it very little. There were attempts at reform, but the military was penniless. Even if it wasn't a political hot mess, Arzix had no enemies at all. Their last war was with themselves in 1286, when a dispute over royal succession lead to war between the feuding claimants to the throne. So, there was no need for a strong military in the Republic.

What will be the fate of it all?
With Gjoda Red having been eradicated, the First Knight could not stand for a revolt in Arzixelegan, especially a communist uprising. With an exceptionally large military, Imperial Fydoria had plenty of soldiers, that had not even participated in the battle against Gjoda Red. The First Knight has made this a "Special" operation. 15,000 soldiers are being deployed by boat and air. 5 battleships and 1 carrier ship are being tasked with blockading the islands. They will reach Arzixelegan shortly.

3 days later

The paratroopers had already made it to the islands before the boats did. The Fighting between the two sides seemed worse than what was in the briefing. As soon as the navy had made it to Arzixelegan waters, they started to send troops in by smaller gun boats. All of the soldiers had been told specifically to not fire unless fired upon. That was a rare rule in Fydoria, but because it was a revolt, it could be hard to tell who was a communist rebel, and who was a frightened civilian.
"Chairman Daoliege! Chairman Daoliege!"

The communist coup d'etat counted on the weak Arzixian military. However, they miscalculated, being beaten back by Republican troops, but not so as to lose. They still were fighting and kicking in the capital.

Then, they arrived.

"Yes?" said the rebel commander.

"Autocratic Fydorian troops have landed on Arzix!" screamed the aide.


"Yes, Chairman! Fydorian pests came to aid the Republican vermin!"

"Oh no! Fight back! More guerrilla and terrorist attacks! The revolution must succeed!"

"Yes, Chairman!"

The Republican government now sent a request for the communists to surrender and be cleared of most charges. Not considering what will come next as it was a surprise, the communists laughed and proceeded to fight on. They even killed the Republican envoy.

A dark force was about to be unleashed on the communists.
As the commander who had been put in charge of this operation got word of the communist refusal, he ordered them to do something unexpected.

"Send them in." The commander whispered.

"Send who in, sir?" A soldier asked.

"The clean up crews."

A nervous and frightened look crossed the soldier's face. "Yes, sir. It shall be done at once." The soldier replied shakily before exiting the office.

Within the hour, the communists were struck with chemical flames. The emotionless gas filtration masks marched onward, burning the communist resistance. They flushed the rebels out of buildings, burning the buildings until there was no choice but to surrender, and face the monsters in the masks. The flames of justice were upon the communists. And there was nothing to put out the flames of war.
Many communists had fled, captured by Republican forces. However, a faction of fanatics did stood their ground, and some even bloodier fanatics did flee for another purpose: setting fire to a Republican-controlled hospital, which was also a refugee centre.

Disguised as refugees, the group unleashed molotov cocktails, torches, and some dynamite. The hospital exploded, with many refugees dying or being severely injured. With order collapsing in the city, the army could only try to rescue them, under fire from communist guerrillas.

Overall, however, the fight had turned. Hundreds of communists, disorganized and disoriented, fell victim to Republican bullets, or friendly fire as even those fleeing resisted, albeit they were weak and confused because of all the literal firepower Fydorian aid had shown.

Both sides still fought on. But the initiative was now in the hands of Republican forces.
The Imperial Military Greek leader, Archbishop Dionysius Makarios made a speech in Sparta which said " Dear Brothers and Sisters we are witnessing a great terror that is occurring in the country of Fornoire. This conflict is because of these communist militants who want nothing more but to slaughter the existing government and it's past culture. Because of this the Imperial Military Greeks will intervene for the glory of the people of Fornoire".

The Archbishop then went to his military advisers, Admiral Yiannis Tsakoulios and General Kostas Grivas. They planed that the Admiral send out 55 Air craft Carriers and 75 Destroyers from Sparta, Chania, Thrace and Santorini to go and liberate Catherine. The General would go and rally 100 000 troops and 7500 special ops to be transported by Air Ship from Zakynthos, Thebes and Thessaloniki to go and fight in Montpoli and Oriportum.

The Fornoirian communist fighters heard the Imperial Military Greek National Anthem roaring through the sea and land. They knew battle was unavoidable.
In their last hour...

In their last stand...

Communist forces, around the last 50 rebels in the city, holding out in a radio station spoke, before being blasted with Arzixian and Fydorian artillery. They called on all communists to rise up and continue "the revolution commenced in the heart of the capitalist pigdog".

Instead of peace, more war came from the fall of the communists in the capital. Soon, thousands of communists and some anti-government groups rose up, beginning conflict in their areas.

The fighting was not limited to the capital anymore. Communist groups all around the country now fought. In some places, they were utterly crushed, allowing for Republican rule to continue. In others, the calls for the popular uprising lived on.

As they began their red terror, other groups, as mentioned before, also began to revolt. Fascists, anarchists and regional separatist movements all began to rage in the islands. The Arzixian authorities feared not even the Fydorians could help them achieve total victory.

What will the Republic do now?

They asked for more help. From Fornoire, finally.

A fleet of several warships and 30,000 troops, some from the elite and highly-trained Crown Forces, set sail to the Arzixian archipelago. Volunteer militias also transported themselves on their own, some 5,000 anti-communist or just pro-Republican volunteers set sail on their own, and once there, they would await the orders of the Republic.

Fornoire once feared helping its ally over the communists in its government and in both Fornoire and the Union. But now that other non-communists gripped the nation, Fornoire fulfilled its commitment and went to help their close ally.

[Image: OsO76rH.png]

Republic: Blue
Communists: Bright Red
Fascists: Black
Anarchists: Peach
Separatist Groups/Others: Dark Gray