Region of Selene

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For the first time since the monarchy had fallen and the corporate government had seized control of the country the doors of his Nation where now open. The return of I just Nations position of power in the world wish to be kicked off by a most Splendid Celebration 

An imperial an imperial banquet in the tradition of the old aristocracy that had been replaced by the corporate government was set up.
 The young CEO waited for replies to his message to see who would join him at a feast
Disgusting republicanism and anti-monarchy sentiments must not be encouraged. Sanctions and a strongly worded letter are to follow. In short, no thanks m8
Although Oscad has ignored this matter entirely, deeming it a 'topic not worth discussion' Karknar has expressed somewhat of an interest in the subject. 'To many years have I be shut in, oppressed by the free, but perhaps once this war is over I may join you for a feast'.
Fornoire has condemned the new government, saying that "governments should not be corporations, nor be run by them. Governments were made to serve the people, by the people. Corporatism shall always be condemned in Fornoire, for even the most basic of values rot away in such a system. All for money"
Quote:Dear Mr. CEO,

The Don happily accepts the offer to join you on this, the day of your first international event in God knows how long. He is sure that this will be a peaceful time of recreation for you and your distinguished guests, and he looks forward to further developing the beneficial relationship between our countries. He is a very busy man, and unfortunately could not write this letter himself on account of his business today being conducted in The Family Bunker. Speaking of business, The Don has some very exciting prospects he would like to speak to you about whenever you're up for it...

With good will and piqued interest,
The Family

Doubtlessly Lady Broadside would also have arrived, but her RSVP Pigeon might have starved to death over the seas...
Patrick Conway foreign secretary and former vice president Acme Armament supplies begin to review the letters and prepared for the banquet