How do you guys read books? Each time I read a book, I would struggle not to zone out. Even so, I'd end up losing all the important details, and never understand the entire book if at all.
I've always loved reading. I remember reading The Lord of the Rings in third grade. Besides, after a year of disciplining myself to read (and obviously comprehend) one book every week, by now it's a habit. I'd feel weird not to have a book that I'm supposed to be reading.
I would definitely recommend This Would Be Paradise to all of you. It is currently a three part series. I finished book 1, which was awesome, and I'm about halfway through the second book.
It is an amazing book. I would say it has movie potential.
I read Catalyst and Rogue One. They were both awesome, and I highly recommended. I'm now readying The Collectors, by David Baldacci. I read The Camel Club, which is the first part, and it was quite soon, so I'm excited about this one.
I obviously keep a list of the books I read for each 2-week period, and I've just had the pleasant surprise of realising that I'm already halfway there, and even more if I include the Lovecraft stories I've been reading here and there!