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Accounts of Almusāfir(Enhannsh: Almusafre) [800ad]


Ali, Yacob, and Almusāfir engage in a fast moving conversation. Almusāfir points at the dome in awe and the Shâteau du Prinse. The translater speaks and says “Ali says that the Castle is of the most glorious architecture. Never had he seen such a lavish place. Yacob says the domed temple reminds him of the large golden dome of the Sun Mosque back to home. Which is possibly a third times bigger than this. The dome glows fiercely in the summer months. Almusāfir never quite thought that any civilization had mastered the art of making large domes.”

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RE: Accounts of Almusāfir(Enhannsh: Almusafre) [800ad] - by New Caliphate of Auri Flammae - 11-21-2018, 01:40 PM

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